Friday, February 27, 2009

Hebrews - part 4

Chapter 10 - What are we to do?

10:1-10 - We will never gain salvation through the law, or even trough obedience. Salvation is Jesus Christ's work alone - once for all - because it is a perfect sacrifice.

10:19 - 39 - What are we to do?
  1. Draw near to God in full assurance of faith
  2. Hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful.
  3. Spur one another on toward love and good deeds
  4. Meet together, fellowship
  5. Encourage one another
  6. Don't deliberately keep sinning! Those who rejected the law died without mercy, how much more do we deserve if we trample on the Son of God Himself!
  7. Stand your ground for Jesus Christ and stand with those who are persecuted.
  8. Joyfully accept persecution and when earthly things are taken away, knowing that we have better and lasting possession in heaven.
  9. Be confident! We will be rewarded.
  10. Don't shrink back - We are delivered and saved.

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