Thursday, February 26, 2009

Hebrews - part 1

Just finished Hebrews! Read it in one day, which I highly recommend. I have so much to talk about in this book I will just start with a few here and make this a 5 part series.

I will break this up into sections and just give the things that especially hit me in each section.

Hebrews 1 - 6

2:9 - "But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, now crowned with glory and honor because he suffered death, so that by the grace of God He might taste death for everyone."
* Jesus tasted death for me.
* He became lower than the angels. He left His seat at the right hand of God to do so.

2:11 - We are in God's family! Jesus Christ calls us brothers! WOW!
2:17 - He was fully man and fully God.

4:12 - The word is living and active. People who don't know the Lord read this as a book. When you have the Holy Spirit, it is a conversation with God.
4:12 - Nothing is hidden from God. Not my thoughts, good or bad. Not my feelings or desires and not y weaknesses or fears AND
*4:15 - Jesus Christ is able to sympathize with our weaknesses! What a Saviour!

5:8 Although He (JC) was a son, He learned obedience from what He suffered. ***GET THIS*** Jesus Christ LEARNED obedience from HIS suffering! Just let that sink in alittle.....

6:12 - "We do not want you to become lazy, but imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised."
* We have salvation as a gift - no work required, but the Israelites had tons of work, bloody work. They did it to ensure the promised land and stave off death. We do it out of gratitude to Jesus Christ, out of our desire to say, "Thank You!" and because of the Holy Spirit living inside of us. But this verse, in essence, is saying that it is still work, it still requires effort. The Israelites had to put forth great effort and we should be willing to do the same, not out of fear of loosing our salvation, but out of gratitude for the work Jesus Christ has already done in us. As a thank you to Him for saving us from our wicked selves.

Part 2 will be chapter 7 - Melchizedek
Part 3 will be Chapter 8-9 - Jesus, the True Priest and the true tabernacle
Part 4 will be Chapter 10 - What are we to do?
Part 5 will be Chapter 11 - 13 - Faith and instructions

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