Wednesday, May 26, 2010


IJP4U - I just prayed for you. My mom texts me this often and I cannot tell you how good it makes me feel! It is better than an "I love you" or an "I miss you." It is the ultimate expression of love in my eyes. Think about it. My mom just stopped her day to enter the throne room of the living God and instead of asking for something for herself or for world peace, she asked God to think of me. The very same God that knows the names of all the stars and the number of grains of sand lining the ocean.

I think we as Christians tend to say we will pray for people rather flippantly. How many times have I told someone I would pray for them and never did? How many times have I thought, "I really don't want to get myself involved in that situation so I will just tell them I am praying instead of actually helping." The truth is, truly praying for a situation is the ultimate act of service, IF you actually do the praying. On the flip side of that, saying we will pray for someone and not actually doing it is the ultimate act of betrayal. It's like telling someone who just lost their job that you will hand deliver their resume to the owner of a company that you have an intimate relationship with and then never actually doing it, but saying you did. What kind of friend does that? And yet, I have to admit I am guilty. I have told people I would pray and never done it. I have asked people to pray for me knowing full well they would not do it either.

I found that the answer goes back to that text from my mom. My mom once told me to never tell someone that you are going to pray for them, only tell them after you have done it. This way, you aren't setting yourself up for failure before it even happens and when you do deliver the news, that you have prayed, they don't have to wonder, "Are you really going to pray for me?"

Prayer is the single most important tool we have as Christians. Only God changes hearts, only God controls the consequences of life that is around us and only God is in charge of the universe. Going to Him for help, comfort, provision and support is the most effective thing we can do to help those around us. Thanking Him for caring about us is vital to our own well being.

Don't lie about praying. REALLY PRAY! IJP4U

1 comment:

Emily Jenkins said...

I LOVE that you are blogging again! I love and appreciate your wisdom and perspective and love for Christ. I thank God that He placed you in my life!