Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Bronze Serpent

As you know, I am studying Moses in BSF this year. We are in Numbers now and a couple weeks ago we studied the story of the Bronze Serpent in Numbers 21:4 - 9. this must have seemed strange to Moses to be told to make a the bronze serpent for the Israelites to look at in order to be saved from the venomous bites of the snakes. He must have remembered the golden calf incident and wondered if this may be asking for trouble from this incredibly fickle group. I certainly thought is was weird. So I don't think God would do it if it didn't hold great meaning, and in fact, I believe it is a great prophecy.

The Israelites were discouraged, again, because they had no food or water. It didn't seem to matter to them that God had provided food and water every time they needed it over the last 40 years. God got mad at them, again, but this time he sent snakes to start biting them and the people began to die. The interesting thing isn't necessarily the fact that the snakes came, but that they had been in the desert for 40 years and hadn't had trouble with snakes before this. I have been to Arizona (closest thing to the desert that I know) and there are rattlesnakes everywhere! Anyway, Moses had to make a bronze serpent, the symbol of Satan and sin itself, and put it high on a pole and when the people looked at it, they would not die from the snakes' bite. Sound familiar?

I don't think it is a coincidence that 2 Corinthians 5: 21 says, "For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him." (NKJV). The entire old testament is full of prophecies of Christ, but this one truly hit me in this Easter season. What a great visual that God had given to the Israelites. Jesus is the bronze serpent. He actually became sin and was put on the cross to save me from my own selfish desires; from my own sin.

How many times do I take for granted the miracles of God because they are so prevalent in my life that I just expect them to happen? How many times do I forget that GOD BECAME SIN? How many times do I forget that I am dead with Christ; that I only live because He chose me?

May I never take the everyday miracles for granted and never forget the extreme that You went to in order to save me from myself.

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