Chapter 8-9 - Jesus, the True Priest and the true tabernacle
8:1 - 2 This is the point! - We have a true priest, Jesus Christ and He sits at God's right hand and serves - He abides in the true tabernacle (God among His people) and that tabernacle is set up by God, not man.
8:5 - The earthly sanctuary is a copy of what is in heaven. God wanted the tabernacle of the Israelites in the desert to be beautiful because it is a symbol of hope and to give us a glimpse of what heaven will be like.
Imagine the tabernacle with all it's gold, silver, bronze and embroidery, without the massive amounts of blood from the sacrifices. And with the tapestry separating the Most Holy Place torn so we can enter. And there, instead of the ark, or maybe along with the ark, is God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit on their thrones; and we at last can see His face because we are in our glorified bodies and are finally without the curse of sin. The only blood is that which is on Jesus Christ Himself. I imagine that blood will be beautiful to us in that moment. The true moment of faith becoming sight. The first time we will truly worship. To see the face of God and live. To not just be surrounded by His Glory but engulfed in it, filled with it, able to taste it! I imagine taking communion there and Jesus Himself standing there with His arms outstretched saying, "this is my body, broken for you."
It reminds me of a song, "You're God in heaven and here am I on I'll let my words be few. Jesus, I am so in love with You."
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