I was reading Genesis 1-2 today, basically because I have decided (again) to try and read through the entire bible from start to finish, the way I would read a regular book. I don't know why this is so hard to do. I can read regular books pretty quickly and it never seems to be an issue. I guess this is just one more piece of evidence that the bible is living an active and that Satan is actively trying to stop us from getting into Gods' word.
Anyway, I was reading about creation and how God made the sun to light the day and the moon to light the night. It started me thinking about the moon. The moon has no actual light of it's own. It simply reflects the light of the sun and although it doesn't provide as much light as the sun, it does provide enough to escape the darkness. I think we, as Christians, are the moon. We are to reflect the light of Christ, the sun, to help guide people out of darkness. I am sure this is not an original thought or analogy, but it was profound to me, today.
I also was thinking about how much influence the moon has on the earth. The moon effects the tides, it has a gravitational pull and it effects people's attitudes (ask any emergency room nurse or doctor about full moons and you will know). God gave us talents and influence of our own to use to bring people out of darkness into light. I used to think we were just vessels, suppose to empty ourselves totally in order to be ready for God to use us, but I don't think that is true anymore. Now, I believe that God wants us to use our personalities, our gifts, our talents and even our flaws to help bring people to His light. If people see me and I am transparent, even with my faults, then they will see that God loves and can use imperfect people. All to often, Christians try and portray themselves as having everything worked out, but I know for sure that I don't have very much worked out at all! What I do know, however, is that God does have it worked out, so I try to rest in Him (I don't always succeed, thank God he loves us with our flaws).
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