My girls are in Preschool at
Trinity and one of the first things they teach them is the prayer song, "God Our Father." I have to say,t his kind of bugged me last year when Korey started singing it before every meal and at bed time. I started trying to teach her and Krissy that praying isn't just another song, but it is talking to God. I had no idea if any of the things I had said had actually sunk in or not until this morning.
This morning, Rich made us Oatmeal for breakfast (yes, my husband usually makes the breakfast and yes, I know how lucky I am!). When the girls sat down, Krissy immediately started singing "God,
Our Father," but instead of the usual words she said, "God, Our Father, God, our Father, we thank you. And please make my oatmeal just warm, not too hot. Amen, Amen." THIS IS HUGE! Krissy actually asked God for something. She knows that she CAN ask God for something! At 2 years old, she is already getting the concept of prayer.
As a mom, this is one of those days that I know I am doing some things right. It also makes me want to do more and teach them more. They comprehend so much more than I know. My
pastor often says that we shouldn't say "no" for people when he is encouraging us to invite people to church or to talk about Jesus with them. I don't want to say "no" for my children either,
just because I think they may not get something. The truth is, no matter how I say it, the Holy Spirit is the one doing the
interpreting to their hearts and minds and He knows exactly how to write it on their little hearts.
Lord, thank you for the responsibility you have given me to bring my children to the cross and knowledge of Jesus. I also thank you that You will take it from there. Help me to not get in Your way.